It's Munchtime


Sopa de Camarón



  1. Boil the tomatoes, chillies and garlic for ten minutes. Once cooked blend them to make a sauce.

  2. Heat some olive oil in a pot and pour in the sauce. Let simmer for five or ten minutes.

  3. Add the clam juice and enough water to make a broth.

  4. Season with salt.

  5. Add the bay leaves, epazote, thyme and oregano.

  6. Add carrots and green beans and let simmer for ten or fifteen minutes.

  7. Add the shrimp and simmer for another five or ten minutes.

  8. Serve and add habanero sauce and lime juice to taste.

Sopa de Frijol



  1. Start by soaking the beans, preferably overnight. Do not discard the liquid.

  2. Put the beans (and the water you used to soak them) in a large pot. Add 1/2 an onion cut in big chunks. Bring to a boil, lower the heat and simmer for about one and a half hours.

  3. While the beans are cooking, remove the seeds from the pasilla peppers and roast them together with the unpeeled garlic and the tomatoes on a skillet over low heat. Be careful not to burn the peppers.

  4. Blend the cooked beans, avocado leaves, pasilla peppers, roasted garlic, roasted onion. Add liquid from the beans as needed to obtain the desired consistency. Add salt to taste.

  5. In a large pot add the lard or oil. Let it warm up but don't allow it to get too hot. Add the bean mixture and stir constantly. Simmer for five minutes and serve.

  6. Serve in a bowl. Garnish with a dollop of cream, chopped cilantro and tortilla strips.

Crema de Chile Poblano



  1. Roast the Poblano peppers and the onion either in th oven or on a heavy skillet until the peppers are charred on the outside. Put them in a covered container and let them sweat for a few minutes.

  2. Put the roasted peppers in a container with fresh water and rub them with your hands until all the skin and seeds are removed. Reserve one of the peppers and cut it in thin slices. It will be used as garnishing.

  3. Blend the rest of the peppers and the onion with the milk.

  4. In a large pot add the olive oil. Add the corn kernels and mushrooms and stir-fry them for about 7 to 10 minutes.

  5. Add the blended pepper mixture and keep stirring.

  6. In a separate bowl put the nixtamalized corn flour and little by little add enough of the soup to make a runny batter. Add this back to the soup to add flavour and to help thicken it.

  7. Simmer for a few more minutes stirring constantly until it thickens.

  8. Serve in a bowl. Garnish with strips of Poblano peper and a dollop of cream.